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(Application Period Extension for HU-IH Project) Do you want to improve your English skills and step out of your comfort zone? Come and Join Us.
Prapawan Tantrakul

(Application Period Extension for HU-IH Project) Do you want to improve your English skills and step out of your comfort zone? Come and Join Us.

🤩Application Period Extension for HU-IH Project🤩

Last chance to be our teammates.❤️

Do you want to improve your English skills and step out of your comfort zone? Come and Join Us.

The HU International House is searching for dynamic and outgoing individuals to help and initiate activities for our HU international students.

8 vacancies must be filled.

🟣1. Global Engagement Coordinators (2 positions)

🔵2. HI-IH Peer Advisors (2 positions)

🟢3. Communications Specialists (4 positions)

If you're interested in joining our team, please submit your application by May 25, 2022, using the form

The working period is flexible and you can work from your home.

P'Boom ( can provide more information.

If you are qualified and can fully commit to the given projects, we will provide volunteer hours and secret items for you.🎁🎁

Qualified candidates will be contacted via email within May 30, 2022.

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