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[ข่าวหน่วยงานภายนอก ประชาสัมพันธ์ตำแหน่งงาน] AMT Skincare is hiring Part-time PC 1 positions (Languages: Chinese/Thai)

บริษัท อมต อินโนเวชั่น ขออนุญาตส่งรายละเอียดตำแหน่งงานที่กำลังเปิดรับสมัคร
📢AMT Skincare is hiring Part-time PC 1 positions ❗

Company: AMATA Innovation co., ltd.
Position: Part-time Product Consultant

1. Introduce AMT skincare products and promote sales to Chinese tourists.
2. Gender: Female (aged less than 35) with a good personality and tidy appearance.
3. Languages:  Chinese/Thai
4. Workplace: Pure Pharmacy at Big C supercenter Rajdamri 2, 2nd floor (opposite Central World)
5. Working hours: 13.00 - 18.00 (5 hrs) // Working day: Sat - Sun
6. Wage: 500 THB per day // Commission: 5 - 10% depending on sales
7. Working permit is required if a non-Thai citizen and payment is subjected to a withholding tax 3% deduction.
8. Preferable optional:
- Familiar with China E-Commerce shopping platforms e.g. Tmall Global, WeChat Mini program
- Interested in skincare routine, products, and knowledge.

💌If you are interested, please send your resume and photo to

- After resume submission, we will contact you to arrange a face-to-face interview.
- 3 hours of contract signing and product training at the office in Sathorn with a training allowance 500 THB.
-See more about  AMT Skincare:
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