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24-25 June 2023|Faculty of Humanities met the executive level representatives of the Royal Thai Embassy, London and conducted a 2-day on Thai language and culture at Buddhapadipa Temple, Wimbledon, UK

24-25 June 2023|Faculty of Humanities met the executive level representatives of the Royal Thai Embassy, London and conducted a 2-day on Thai language and culture at Buddhapadipa Temple, Wimbledon, UK

24-25 June 2023 | Buddhapadipa Temple, UK
To continue our existing collaboration, the Global Communication and Special Affairs Division and instructors from the Faculty of Humanities met the executive level representatives of the Royal Thai Embassy, London and conducted a 2-day-workshop on Thai language and culture at Buddhapadipa Temple, Wimbledon, UK for more than 60 young learners and their parents.

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