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Academic collaboration between SWU and Zhejiang International Studies University (ZISU)

Academic collaboration between SWU and Zhejiang International Studies University (ZISU)

Assistant Professor Dr. Anchalee Jansem, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, representatives from Global communication and Special Affairs Division, the Director of International Center, and the Head of the B.A. program in Oriental Languages
welcomed Professor Chai Gaiying, Vice President, Professor Wu Ling, President of the School of Asian Languages and Culture, Sheng Ling, Deputy Dean of the Belt and Road College, Xu Hang, International Student Counsellor, the Belt and Road College, and the delegates from Zhejiang International Studies University (ZISU), China at the Conference Room 1, Building 2, Faculty of Humanities.
This initial meeting was a productive step towards signing our MoU in the very near future. We discussed about academic collaboration and future research synergy between the two institutions.

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