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2 May 2024 - Mobilizing Glocal Stakeholders: Partnerships for Global citizenship

2 May 2024 - Mobilizing Glocal Stakeholders: Partnerships for Global citizenship

May 2, 2024 | Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Humanities, SWU organized a kickoff meeting, calling for ideas and collaborations from our global citizenships network/partnerships towards active participation in global citizenship initiatives.

Assistant Professor Dr. Anchalee Jansem, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities started the kickoff meeting to bring together stakeholders from various sectors to discuss how we can work together to promote global citizenship initiatives and education, foster cross-cultural understanding, and address global challenges collectively. Dr. Phohnthip Naoise Smithsarakarn, Chair of the B.A. program in Language for Careers, was our wonderful event moderator.

We were honored to have Mr. Stefan Psota, Austrian Commercial Attaché, Austrian Commercial Section, Austrian Embassy; Mr. Patryk Gowin, Patryk Gowin, Vice-Consul/I secretary, Political and Economic Section, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Bangkok; Ms. Shiomi Ando, Director, Japanese Studies and Global Partnership Dep., The Japan Foundation; Mr. Wathana Onpanich, Senior Program Officer, Japanese Studies and Global Partnership Dep., The Japan Foundation; Mr. Asad Cheng, Deputy Director, Political Division, Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in Thailand; Deans, Executive boards members and representatives from Faculty of Agricultural Product Innovation and Technology, Faculty of Business Administration for Society, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Culture and Ecotourism, The Graduate School of Srinakharinwirot University, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Social Sciences, and student representatives from our B.A international programs in Language for Careers and Language for Communication.

We would like to thank all fruitful insights and initiatives that emerged from the event and last but not least the administrative team and event committee who contributed a lot to make the event go smoothly and successfully.

# globalcitizens #HUSWU #SDG

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