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September 7, 2024 Professor Dr. Paul Matsuda, the Director of Second Language Writing, Arizona State University, visited us to deliver his special talk on Writing for Scholarly Publication.

September 7, 2024 Professor Dr. Paul Matsuda, the Director of Second Language Writing, Arizona State University, visited us to deliver his special talk on Writing for Scholarly Publication.

September 7, 2024 | Faculty of Humanities

International House of the Faculty of Humanities welcomed the esteemed scholar from the USA.

Professor Dr. Paul Matsuda, the Director of Second Language Writing, Arizona State University, visited us to deliver his special talk on Writing for Scholarly Publication.

After the talk, we had very fruitful discussions about tailoring articles for specific audiences, manuscript preparation and networking for graduate students.

Thanks to all audience members, our instructors, graduate students, and public audiences who made this event meaningful.

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Next Article 7 กันยายน 2567 ตัวแทนนิสิต ศศ.บ. ภาษาไทย ชั้นปีที่ 3 ได้เข้าร่วมกิจกรรมสัปดาห์วิชาการ ดาราสมุทร ศรีราชา เพื่อประชาสัมพันธ์หลักสูตร
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