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25 July 2023 | ภาพบรรยากาศโครงการปฐมนิเทศคณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มศว

25 July 2023 | ภาพบรรยากาศโครงการปฐมนิเทศคณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มศว

25 July 2023 | Prof.Saroj Buasri Innovation Building
Assistant Professor Dr. Anchalee Jansem, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, executive board members, instructors, and support staff of the Faculty welcomed our new batch of undergraduate students in the orientation 2023, at the auditorium, 4th floor, Prof.Saroj Buasri Innovation Building. The orientation sessions serves as a formal introduction to the university, Faculty, and their selected programs. The introduction provided information essential for these incoming students. They met with academic advisors, and shared student life as well as experiences with their seniors. They also learned about academic expectations and course schedules from their selected programs. Special thanks to all wonderful volunteers from SMO SWU-HU.

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