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LCI Orientation Engages Freshmen with Program Highlights and Academic Support

LCI Orientation Engages Freshmen with Program Highlights and Academic Support

LCI Orientation Engages Freshmen with Program Highlights and Academic Support


Approximately 200 eager freshmen gathered on July 25th for the Language for Careers International (LCI) program’s orientation. Chair of the Program Dr. Phohnthip Naoise Smithsarakarn delivered a comprehensive presentation, designed to equip the attendees with an all-round understanding of the LCI program.


Dr. Smithsarakarn introduced the diverse curriculum, dedicated faculty, and supportive staff who form the backbone of the LCI program. She also introduced the academic advisors assigned to each year of LCI students, ensuring attendees of ongoing guidance throughout their educational journey. She further discussed the program regulations, emphasizing the commitment required to excel in the intensive course.   


Taking the excitement a notch higher, she presented the array of additional activities that LCI offers. She emphasized the enriching exchange programs and opportunities to study short courses abroad, fostering a global perspective among the students.


The orientation concluded with a spotlight on LCI alumni, their diverse careers serving as a testament to the program’s success. The stories reflected LCI’s dedication to equipping its students with tools for international career success, ultimately solidifying the orientation as a stepping stone into a world of opportunities.

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